Thursday, November 8, 2012

Beasiswa master/beasiswa S2 di KOREA, tahun ajaran 2013-2014

Internal Scholarships (University Scholarships)

There are three types of internal scholarship programs; Tuition Grants for Overseas Students, the Superior Academic Performance Scholarship, and the Work-Study Scholarship. The recipients of the two former scholarships may be partially or totally exempted from tuition and admission fees, whereas for a recipient of the Work-Study Scholarship, money is directly deposited into the recipient’s personal bank account each month. These scholarship programs provide funds for the duration of one semester, and students may apply for the funds each semester. There are designated application period for the scholarship: mid -November for the spring semester and the end of May for the fall semester. Exact dates for application to each scholarship program are notified at the beginning of each semester in the ‘Notices for Students’ section on the SNU website (

Tuition Grants for Overseas Students

Undergraduate students with a GPA of 2.7 or above for the preceding semester are eligible for this scholarship program. Applications for this scholarship are accepted at the Office of International Affairs (OIA) of SNU, and scholarship recipients are exempt from tuition fees for the following semester. If a recipient stays out of university without registering as a scholarship student after the selection, the recipient will have his or her scholarship privileges revoked. While enrolled, undergraduates may be awarded this scholarship up to maximum of 8 semesters. Recipients studying in Korea on the national fund or at the government’s invitation may obtain a full tuition waiver, while others may only be partially exempt from paying tuition fees.

Superior Academic Performance Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students with excellent academic performance records. Students who have completed at least four semesters of study and who have earned an overall GPA of 3.6 or above may apply for this scholarship. In an effort to provide balanced study opportunities across discipline, only one undergraduate is selected from each department. If there is no student satisfying these requirements in a department, the applicant with the highest academic record may be selected. However, this scholarship is awarded to students who are not receiving any other concurrent scholarships. SNU issues a Scholarship Certificate for the recipients of this scholarship program. Applications are accepted every semester. For exact dates of the application period, please check the website of your department.

Work-Study Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students in need of extra financial support. Recipients are selected each semester through application procedures overseen by each department. Recipients are required to work 40 to 60 hours every month as an assistant at various institutions on campus such as an administration office or library, which guarantees 6,000 won per hour, and totaling approximately 300,000 won per month. The money is paid directly to the recipient’s personal bank account. Unlike other scholarships, students receiving other scholarships may apply for this program. Applications are accepted at the institution of interest; administration office of the department of interest, library, Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS), SNU Korean Language Education Center (KLEC) and so forth.
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Beasiswa master/beasiswa S2 di KOREA, tahun ajaran 2013-2014 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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