Monday, September 24, 2012

01 MEI 2013 - BEASISWA - UNITIED KINGDOM - INGGRIS - The School of Media, Film, Music

School Scholarship for the MA in Media Practice for International Development (2013)

The School of Media, Film and Music is delighted to offer a £5,000 scholarship to UK/HEU and non EU students who have been accepted on the MA in Media Practice for International Development, starting in September 2013.

The scholarship is offered as a reduction in tuition fees of £5,000 and will be awarded to the student who possesses the highest academic ability and potential (not made on the basis of financial need).

Type of award
Postgraduate masters

Award amount

Applicants must have been offered a place on the above Masters degree.
Applicants must commence the degree in September 2013 (awards cannot be deferred to subsequent years).
Current Sussex undergraduate students are eligible to apply.
Applications should be made on the attached application form.

By 1 May 20132: Deadline for all applications to be received. Please ensure that you have applied for one of the MA programmes listed above by 1st April 2013 to allow time for processing (you must have been made an offer of a place to be eligible to apply for the scholarship)
By 31 May 2013: Applicants notified of the outcome of their application by email

Further information
For further information on the scholarships please contact Mrs Pat Mounce
Tel: +44 1273 872574

Details informations, click here:

01 MEI 2013 - BEASISWA - UNITIED KINGDOM - INGGRIS - The School of Media, Film, Music Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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