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IOE-Commonwealth Commission
Commonwealth Shared Scholarship 2011/12The IOE and Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) jointly fund this award, which is for a masters degree in one of the following programmes:
MA in Education and International Development
MA in Education, Gender and International Development
MA in Education, Health Promotion and International Development
MA in Educational Planning, Economics and International Development
MA in Development Education
The award includes:
- air fares to and from London
- tuition fees
- maintenance allowance of £1,044 per month (as at July 2010)
- a grant of up to £225 to cover dissertation costs
- £200 for study travel
- the cost of up to 10 Kilograms of excess baggage (books only) for the scholar upon returning home at the end of the award.
No additional allowances are paid for spouses or other dependants.
Who can apply?
You must be a national of a Commonwealth developing country. We particularly welcome applications from India, Pakistan and Nigeria.
You must meet IOE entry criteria unconditionally, including our English language requirements, as no pre-sessional English language training is available under this award.
Candidates who have already studied for one year or more in a developed country, or who possess sufficient resources to self-fund, are not eligible for an award.
How to apply
You should apply via our on-line application system linked from each course page, indicating clearly in the funding section that you are applying for this award.
You must apply to us by 30 April 2011.
We will make our decision in time for the successful nominee to complete the CSC's online form by 17 May 2011 at the latest. We will provide you with the link to this. On the CSC form you will have to certify in writing that you:
i) are a national of a Commonwealth developing country, and not at present living or studying in a developed country;
ii) have not undertaken studies lasting one year or more in a developed country;
iii) are not at present employed by a national Government department or parastatal organisation;
iv) are yourself, or through your family, unable to pay to study in the United Kingdom;
v) will return to your home country as soon as your award comes to an end.
For more information, please follow this link:
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