People Development Agency
is a Human Resources Consultant Company located in Jakarta is in positions to offer services to any issues in Human Resources. Have wide range client from property, electronic, embassy, logistic, telecommunication, financial institution, hospital to shipping. One of our services is Executive Search
One of our client, a well-known financial institution which protfolio has reached the top 4 in Indonesia, located in Jakarta , is urgently looking for young, energetic, and highly motivated professionals to join them as :
Marketing - Personal Investment Assistant (pda-103)
Qualification :
1. Female/male age 22-28 years old
2. Good communication skills and persuasive
3. Like challenge, sociable, adaptable
4. Proficiency in English
5. Good appearance and attractive
6. Having interest in marketing field
7. Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
Facility :
1. Basic salary
2. Incentive
3. Promising career path
4. THR, medical and other benefit
Please email your application letter, detailed CV (include detail job desc), and recent photograph (Ms.Word format, Max 100Kb) to id. Reference code of position must be written on the email subject. For example (yourname-pda 103)
Friday, May 2, 2008
MARKETING for Sekuritas Company in jakarta
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